Sunday, February 28, 2016

Why I am Single: Some Reasons

There are numerous reasons why I am still single. Perhaps the simplest one is that I feel that it is God's will for some people to remain single, and I may be one of those. But there are other factors, too.

First of all, to get married, one must show favorable treatment toward one person over the others. I have doubts about whether any particular person was (or is) the right one and didn't (don't) want to risk getting too close to the wrong person.

Second, in a sense I could be called a tortoise instead of a hare when it comes to developing relationships. It seems that at times when I've been interested in particular females, I moved so slowly in developing the relationship(s) that the girl(s) often became involved with someone else instead of me. Perhaps another way of putting that would be to state that the girl(s) often liked someone else better than me.

Why would girls choose someone else besides me? Well, when girls look for a mate, I think they often look for things like:
  • money (How will this guy support me?), 
  • personality (Is this a fun person to be with?),
  • time (Does this person have plenty of time he is willing to devote to being with me?), 
  • common interests (Does he like the same things I do?), 
  • and physical attractiveness (Am I physically attracted to this guy?).
Although I am happy and blessed immeasurably, I don't fare too well on the measures in the last paragraph, at least in the years since I graduated college. And I made up my mind in elementary school that I was not going to get married until after I graduated college.

Since graduating college my jobs typically have paid relatively low wages. I want an honest job that I am qualified for, and ideally that I enjoy, too, which is more important to me than making a lot of money. Also, I am a bit shy and introverted, so my personality isn't the best, though I do open up around those I am close to. And when I've been busy with my career, etc., I often haven't had a lot of free time, and at the times I had free time my monetary situation was especially poor in most cases.

I do have a diverse group of interests, but whether those would mesh with a particular other person depends on the individual. As far as physical attractiveness, I am slender without a muscular build, so I am not at the top of the physical attractiveness chart.

Furthermore, I have my own particular quirks established from years of living alone that might make it difficult to adjust to living with a wife. For one thing, I am used to eating what I want when I want. Also, I seek to basically adhere to a vegan diet. If I got married, my wife and I might have to prepare separate meals. It's even possible we would need two kitchens if kitchen sharing arrangements couldn't be made (I'm at least half joking on this one, I think.).

We might also need two bathrooms, especially if she uses hairspray or other strongly scented products. I remember complaining about the strong scent of hairspray from one or more females in my house as a child (I won't say whether it was my mom, and/or one or both of my sisters, to keep it anonymous, and I do love them all).

On less important issues, whether my spouse squeezed toothpaste from the top or bottom of the tube wouldn't matter, since we would probably need two tubes and maybe two different brands. And although I prefer the toilet paper to roll over the top of the roll, I could probably compromise if she wants it to roll from underneath the roll.               

However, there are some other issues that would need to be addressed during what might be a long engagement period before I got married. And a successful relationship involves quality communication, compassion, compromise, honesty, truthfulness, etc. I think you get the basic idea.

By the way, I also choose sexual abstinence instead of fornication. In elementary school when a girl expressed interest in having sex with me, I thought about the risk of an unwed pregnancy, loss of reputation, etc., and did not accept her offer. I made up my mind then that I would not have sex until after I got married, that I would keep my pants on and zipped when around women. And God has enabled me to do so during the decades since.

I am a pro-life Christian who desires no children.  If I married, I might need to marry someone who is beyond the childbearing age or permanently unable to have children for some other reason. And I am 65 years old as of February 2023 when revising this article, although I sometimes feel 16 or 6 and maybe act that way, too, occasionally.

I seldom take photos of myself and feel too much emphasis is placed upon personal appearance. I typically take one self photo each five years to post on websites for profiles, etc. Below is a photo I took June 7, 2020, of myself. That's the most recent date I've taken self photos.

As part of my personal Christian beliefs, I also oppose premarital sexual intercourse.

Sexual Abstinence Can Be a Blessing and Prevents Unwanted Pregnancies
Sexual intercourse can lead to unwanted pregnancies and emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual problems when engaged in at the wrong time in the wrong way. Using a double contraceptive system of birth control pills and condoms would be almost 100% effective, but almost isn't complete.

And condoms are the only method basically controlled by men. A speaker to students in my freshman dormitory stated when I was in college (sorry, I don't remember his name) said something like, "Persons who depend on condoms to prevent pregnancy are called parents."

And, though persons claim sex is one of the greatest joys in life, many of those who've experienced it seem unhappy for many of the 168 hours in a week, as if they are only happy when having sex. I think I am blessed immeasurably and experience more joy most of the time than they typically do.

Several Prominent Persons Have Chosen to Remain Single
I am happy remaining single. And I'm in good company since Jesus apparently remained single and the Apostle Paul was single during his ministry. So were the Wright brothers who succeeded in flying an airplane, ushering in a new age for transportation in a sense. 

An article on the Reader's Digest website titled "15 Famous People Who Chose to Stay Single"* discusses some of the many who have chosen to stay single. 

Closing Thoughts
Although I remain open to the possibility of marriage if the right person comes along at the right time in the right way, I'm not sure if there is a right mate for me with my idiosyncrasies. But I am blessed to enjoy several single friends, including some who like me have never married. I am a joyous single person who is contented. I hope you are happy, too. Let's all seek to enjoy God's blessings, whether single or married.

* Yuko, Elizabeth; "15 Famous People Who Chose to Stay Single"; Reader's Digest website; updated December 8, 2022; webpage accessed February 20, 2023;

This article was last revised on February 20, 2023.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

University of Kentucky Engineers' Day and My Passion To Write

The University of Kentucky holds its annual Engineers' Day this Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., according to a University of Kentucky website that provides details about the event.

The proceedings feature lots of activities, displays, and games. They are geared toward elementary and high school students. But many aspects would be interesting even to preschoolers--or adults. 

The free goings-on are open to the public and held on a Saturday in February each year. Among other things, it's a great way to help get young people interested in engineering.  The displays attract a crowd of persons of various ages.

One popular competition at E-Day is the "egg drop." As stated on The University of Kentucky Egg Drop registration page, entrants  design and build a container according to certain specifications that will hopefully prevent an egg from breaking when dropped from the second floor to the basement of  the Oliver H. Raymond Building. 

My Personal Experience
I 've enjoyed attending various UK Engineers' Day events in some past years. Exhibits can be entertaining, informative, and interesting.

However, personally, although I majored in engineering as an undergraduate student, my passion was and is directed more toward reading and writing, discussing current events, etc.

Furthermore, although my dad was a mining engineer, he subscribed to several newspapers and magazines, owned a lot of books as well as using libraries, and encouraged me to read and to basically "look up the answer" when he couldn't answer one of my questions. I still love to read and write.

Dad and I enjoyed some nice discussions/debates on current events, politics, religion, University of Kentucky basketball and football, etc. We talked about such things much more than about engineering.  I've enjoyed similar enjoyable discussions/debates with others over the years.

But, though I'm not a practicing engineer, I appreciate the numerous innovations provided to us by  the various branches of engineering over the years. You may be impressed by what you see at E-Day if you go.

The festivities of Engineering Day take place in and near buildings on the University of Kentucky campus, including the Anderson Hall engineering building, which is  pictured below in a photo I took on February 20, 2023.


Closing Thoughts
Engineering is an important field. And while engineering careers are financially lucrative, the joy of accomplishment that comes from serving and helping others via innovations makes it rewarding in more important ways for those passionately engaged in the profession.

But I feel called to follow my passion for writing. And I hope the youths (and adults) at UK's Engineers' Day activities this Saturday will develop and use their talents in the best way possible, whatever that may be.

This article was last revised on February 21, 2023.