Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The 1960s Batman Television Show: My Childhood Love for It Adapted and Endures

As a second grader, I loved the opening season of the 1960s Batman television series starring Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin.

The Batman show debuted in January 1966. It was innovative, funny, suspenseful, and entertaining.

My Favorite Television Show for a While

For a while during my childhood, Batman was my favorite television show. The series ran from January 1966 to March 1968.

Its 1966 episodes were best. I tired a bit of the show after a couple seasons, as I think many others did. Its quality seemed to decline in 1967 and 1968.

But Batman did well in the Nielsen television ratings in its early days. It aired twice a week then. Its first season both the Wednesday and Thursday episodes finished in the top 10 in the Nielsen ratings according to TVObscurities.com* and other sources.

Dad and I both enjoyed watching it. Mom disliked the show, perhaps at least partially due to the violence. She made a good point. If my memory is correct, I sometimes acted out some scenes in the show where Batman and Robin fought with criminals.

As an Adult, My Love of the Show Adapted and Endures

A complete DVD set of the series became available in 2014. I purchased a copy at some point. My set is shown in the two pictures below.

I watched every episode (all 120 of them) of the DVD set over a period of perhaps a few months, as well as the extra features that were included on the DVDs. I still loved several aspects of the show, especially the early episodes from 1966. And I liked some of the extra features too. Nostalgia probably accounts for some of the show's enduring appeal.

Rewatching the shows, I pick up on some subtleties I likely missed as a child.

I’m not much of a television watcher, certainly not a regular binge watcher. Indeed, my television is currently only hooked up to a DVD player and VCR, not to cable. But the Batman TV series is special to me. It's the only television DVD set I've bought.

The show initially aired twice a week. The first episode typically ended with the villains appearing to succeed, and at least one good guy in peril. The second episode gave the good guys the win.

As a child, my favorite villain was the Joker, but as an adult I appreciate why dad seemed to enjoy the Penguin most. Now I rank the Penguin my top bad guy on Batman too. Indeed, my two favorite episodes now are the satirical “Hissoner the Penguin” episode (first broadcast in November 1966) in which the Penguin runs for mayor, and the following episode “Dizzoner the Penguin” in which the Penguin gets his downfall.

I perhaps especially enjoyed watching those episodes with dad. The parody of politics was timely then, and remains so now.

Color Television

The Batman show probably deserves some credit for my family’s purchase of a color TV too. As I watched an episode in which a villain turned Batman’s cape pink, I wondered why the cape didn’t look pink on our screen. Then I remembered (or mom or dad reminded me) that we didn’t have a color television set. Dad commented that we might ought to get a color television set. And I think it was soon after that when dad purchased a color TV.

Subtleties That Added Much

Batman featured numerous subtleties that added a great deal for viewers.

I remember thought-provoking comments like Bruce Wayne mentioning to Dick Grayson that music was “the universal language.” Dad commented that his mom who had been a piano teacher had stated something similar (as have others over the years).

Another thought-provoking comment occurred as Bruce and Dick were using a telescope and Bruce stated that “astronomy . . . helps give us a sense of proportion. Reminds us how little we are, really.” Definitely thought-provoking. Nice.

Robin frequently would blurt out “Holy _____." There were many different words used to fill in the blank. It was funny hearing the various versions.

Also, Batman often gave Robin helpful advice about diet, fastening his seat belt, dental hygiene, etc., in an entertaining way.

Furthermore, the show attracted several big-name stars to portray villains. It was interesting learning who was going to appear and what type of criminal they would be.

In addition to famous actors as villains, other well-known persons appeared briefly in building windows during many episodes. When the Caped Crusaders scaled a wall, I wondered who they would meet looking out a window at them.

The show contained many jokes. As an adult I now appreciate some that probably slipped past me as a child. This television series operated on multiple levels to appeal to both children and adults.

Merchandise Related to the Show

An enormous amount of merchandise was marketed related to the show. I remember having a Batman t-shirt (pictured below with me wearing it, standing beside my sister). I also had a Batman & Robin Society Charter Member pin (pictured below), Batman trading cards, and comic books. Of course, the comic book preceded the television show, but I think I began reading the comic after the debut of the TV series, and I’m guessing many others did too.

I had lots of fun with the Batman cards which had pictures and a caption on the front, and puzzle pieces on the back. My Batman t-shirt was my favorite shirt.

A second grade classmate and I in 1966 discussed the huge amount of merchandise sold about the Batman television series. Even as second graders, we felt it was over commercialized.

One day at a store checkout counter with mom, there was some type of Batman-related item displayed for sale. Mom asked if I wanted one. I said no, and I wasn’t interested in that particular item, whatever it was. However, I loved the TV show and the Batman merchandise I already had.

Closing Thoughts

Batman may seem silly to many today. But I urge persons to watch (or rewatch) a few episodes from the first year of the series, in 1966. Maybe start with “Hissoner the Penguin” from November 1966. See if you appreciate what so many of us get out of the show.

The first season’s Joker, Penguin, and Riddler episodes all contain some nice insights and perspectives that even today’s audiences can appreciate, as I see it.

In Batman good always triumphed over evil in the end. Regardless of how bad it looked at times, I knew that Batman and Robin would prevail when the story ended.

I optimistically think that’s the way it will be in the real world in the end too. And I think watching the fictional Batman show with its happy endings contributed to my optimism, as does my faith in God.


* “Batgirl and the Batman Phenomenon”; Television Obscurities; TVObscurities.com; webpage accessed August 16, 2022; https://www.tvobscurities.com/articles/batgirl/

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